
A group show featuring the work of Audrey Gair, Bronson Smillie, Casey Bolding, Esther Sibiude, Alessandro Miotti, Travis MacDonald and Kenneth Winterschladen.

Press Release

Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Painting

Kenneth Winterschladen
Bay Music, 2023
Oil on wood
91 x 44 x 30 cm


Travis MacDonald
Shiny Object, 2024
Oil and laid paper on linen
30 x 38 cm


Travis MacDonald
Driver, 2024
Oil, marble dust and bronze on linen
35 x 40 cm


Casey Bolding
Second Hand Time, 2021
Oil and flashe on linen
38.5 x 50 cm


Casey Bolding
Eaglecrest High, 2023
Oil on paper mounted on board
12.5 x 18 cm


Casey Bolding
Athens, 2023
Oil and flashe on panel
32 x 63.5 cm


Esther Sibiude
The world naps in dust, 2023
Colored pencil on paper
65 x 80 cm


Bronson Smillie
Felt Drawing #10, 2023
Found paper, polycrayon, cork pad, felt pad, stickers
36 x 28.5 cm


Alessandro Miotti
This old dog, 2022
Mixed media on canvas
130 x 140 cm


Audrey Gair
Worlds Biggest Tape Ball, 2024
Oil on linen
30.5 x 76 cm